An open source PAAS alternative to Heroku

For the longest time I've ran my websites using a VPS and set up everything from nginx to gunicorn using Ansible. This worked great but is kind of outdated.

Then I tried Coolify. The ease of which I could add a new Postgres database, Umami instance or Redis instance blew my mind. I'd been using Ansible for that, too! After a few days of using it though, I realized there was too much magic going on for my liking.

On, Ben Katz posted an article about self-hosting. While I don't do everything in that post, I extracted immense value from his investigation into different self-host options.

This lead me to try Dokku. A week later I have 5 of my (Django) applications running on Dokku. Including a complete monitoring stack (Loki, Grafana, Prometheus).

My takeaway is this:
